Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Emily's Coptic Bound Journal

Over this past year God has mercifully revealed His grace to me.  This has happened because He has graciously chosen to soften my disgusting heart, he has revealed the truths of his promises in his word, and also through the "picking up" and "using" several people-- these earthly vessels called humans-- in my life as tools to deliver His grace, forgiveness, wisdom, etc...

A friend of mine just celebrated a birthday.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with such awesome friends.  Emily has been an encouragement and a source of great support and wisdom and counsel over this past year.  Happy Birthday Emily!

I found a book on book-making and I thought it looked like a fun and creative outlet.  I made my first journal a few years back, and I have been making them occasionally ever since. 

This journal is bound with metallic embroidery floss, the same thread that I used for her name on the front cover. 

Its sewn using a Coptic binding stitch with paired needles... this is actually the first time I've done this binding correctly!  (Hooray for reading directions! ... I knew I should have been reading more carefully all this time) 

Instead of book board I used grunge paper which kept the cover a bit more flexible (but still very durable) and pretty thin.  

There are 9 signatures; they are all lined with the exception of the very first page which contains the Philippians 4.8-9 scripture.   

I tried my first attempt at making a slipcover for the journal.   I learned a bunch and have a few revisions for future attempts at a slip cover.  

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