Sunday, June 29, 2014

Berklie's Birthday and the Blue Umbrella

So... Berklie wanted a "Blue Umbrella" birthday party...  what?!?!?!   yes.  If you do not know what I am talking about then go to youtube and look up the Pixar short titled "The Blue Umbrella."  It's only 5 minutes long and it's super cute...   but how to make a three year old's birthday party theme around it?  I'm creative, but that's a stretch for me!

Fortunately she's about as indecisive as I am, so, the theme changed a bunch:  Blue Umbrella, Tinkerbell, Frozen,  etc...  We had it at a place that does bounce house/ inflatables, so there really wasn't much to do as far as themes and decorating... but in the end she ordered a WallE cake & requested a "Blue Umbrella" costume.    We compromised and she let me make her a dress, not a costume... and yes, I know the pictures are showing a cute little red dress, but go watch the Blue Umbrella, Berklie and London like the 'red' umbrella in the Blue Umbrella... confusing, I know, but this is what satisfied my complex little three-yr-old!